Feb. 11 – The rise of India as a serious player in global manufacturing is gathering pace as Deloitte's Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, compiled in conjunction with the U.S. Council on Competitiveness, ranks the country second only to China. The Index is based on the responses of more than 400 chief executive officers and senior manufacturing executives worldwide to a survey conducted in late 2009 and early 2010. The Index also draws on select interviews with key manufacturing decision makers.
The report indicates that access to talented workers capable of supporting innovation is the key factor driving global competitiveness at manufacturing companies — well ahead of "classic" factors typically associated with competitive manufacturing, such as labor, materials, and energy.
The report identified the emergence of a new group of leaders in the manufacturing competitive index over the next five years. These include Mexico, Poland, and Thailand — countries not always considered alongside longer-standing, up-and-comers like Brazil and Russia. Not unexpectedly, Asian giants like China, India, and the Republic of Korea are projected to dominate the index in five years, as they do now. Further, dominant manufacturing super powers of the late 20th century — the United States, Japan, and Germany — are expected to become less competitive over the next five years. The Index also identified a clear geographical divergence in the perception of public policy support for competitiveness. Most respondents from China think that their government makes competitiveness easy compared to respondents in Europe and the United States, with 70 percent of them citing government support of science, technology, and innovation as advantageous.
A complimentary copy of the full, 56 page report can be downloaded here
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Source: 2point6billion.com - Foreign Direct Investment in Asia
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