Sunday, July 24, 2011

Demolition Project Lawsuit by Reserve Township

Demolition Project Lawsuit by Reserve Township Share

Demolition Project Lawsuit by Reserve Township

(Courtesy Photo)

July 22, 2011


On Wednesday, a Beaver County contractor was sued by the Reserve Township, under the accusation that they failed to properly remove the substance properly during the operation of a former demolition project.


Hopewell-based Belich General Contracting, the former contractor, was hired last year to demolish a building located on Mountain Troy Road. According to sources, the demolish crew did not properly notify the proper not only government agencies that are necessary when dealing with asbestos, but also private parties necessary, that the building that was being demolished contained the substance asbestos. The company also failed to secure permits that are not only necessary, but also required to be held in order to actually demolish buildings that contain the substance.


A recent inspection of the demolition site, which was surveyed and conducted by the Allegheny County Health Department, found large chunks, as well as airborne exposure to asbestos surrounding not only a portion, but also a large vast area of the site. Due to the findings by the health department, the township was not asked, but forced by law to clean up the asbestos that was literally sitting out in the open for someone to easily stumble upon. The suit was filed primarily on the fact that even after the contractor was paid for the work they stated they had done, the township had to go back and hire and conduct a full cleanup of the area, which the contractor should have done.


However, this incident has left many hesitant as to hiring for demolition projects. With the example within Beaver County, many can assume as to why. Exposure to the asbestos can errantly harm an individual's life with diseases or illnesses, such as mesothelioma. Unlike the exposure to other substances, a person cannot really tell if they have signs or symptoms of the disease for many years down the road. If a contractor is being hired to perform such tasks as demolition, and know that the substance asbestos or a similar one is present, it should not only be the overall goal of the project they are conducting, but also a goal for the wellbeing of the general publics safety and health.


Inevitably, lawsuits will continue within this area of manufacturing and producing until contractors fully grasp the whole spectrum of what they are really assigned to do as employees to another company.


Source: | Hot Breaking News


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