Friday, June 29, 2012

Devon hardware shop recognised for courtesy

Ilfracombe hardware store Chas N Pedlar & Son has taken part in a new initiative that aims to promote and recognise good manners in business.

Nicholas Pedlar, right, and Ivan Frances with the Courteous Business certificate
Nicholas Pedlar, right, and Ivan Frances with the Courteous Business certificate

The North Devon town is the first in the UK to complete the programme run by the National Campaign for Courtesy. There were more than 100 local participants in the 15-week pilot, which acknowledged courteous businesses after validation by customer testimonials and unsolicited nominations from members of the public. A weekly theme focused on different aspects of good manners, and online materials supported businesses taking part.

Chas N Pedlar & Son received a certificate after having participated successfully, and shop assistant Ivan Frances also received a Citizen Award for Services to the Community.

Shop owner Nicholas Pedlar commented: "This award has added value to the special customer services that many businesses in Ilfracombe have thrived on for years. A polite environment not only makes working life more enjoyable but plays a key role in increasing motivation and productivity. It's a powerful reminder that it takes only a moment and costs nothing to say 'please' and 'thank you', but it means so much when we do."

Robert Zarywacz, courtesy consultant for the campaign, added: "The courteous town initiative ensures we recognise what is good in business at a time when there is a tendency to focus on the negative".

Following the success of the pilot, which is supported online at, the National Campaign for Courtesy is now receiving interest from other towns keen to run the initiative in their own areas.

Source: – essential reading for the DIY trade


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